Friday, May 11, 2012

FDA Adds Safety Warnings to Statins

The FDA recently uncovered further information about the popular cholesterol-lowering drug Statins - it will now have revised labels on the bottle warning consumers of new risks involved with taking the drug.  This study revealed that this drug causes a slight increased risk of elevated blood sugar levels, which could potentially lead to type 2 diabetes.  Also, in some cases confusion and memory loss were also symtoms.  As of right now, these risks are not serious enough to take the drug off of the market, but further reasearch will be undertaken to explore the possible other effects of this drug.

1 comment:

  1. I think the best thing to do by the FDA is look for an alternative drugs and then stop these companies in producing statin drugs. So many studies about statins side effects and how harmful it is for the person taking it.
