Friday, March 30, 2012

Even a Little Drinking May Raise Breast Cancer Risk: Study

Research at the University of Heidelberg in Germany has found that just one alcoholic drink a day can increase a woman's chance of breast cancer by 5%. Three or more drinks per day can increase the chance of breast chance by 50%. Alcohol is thought to increase estrogen levels which can cause breast cancer. Specifically, alcohol is thought to be linked to the cancer estrogen receptor positive. Limiting alcoholic intake can help keep chances down.;_ylt=ApyyK8kCNyIQh9exmjvxb1OPscB_;_ylu=X3oDMTNoa3BzNGUwBG1pdAMEcGtnAzIyMTczOWMxLTQyOGQtMzNmMy04NDQxLTU3Mzk0MWE3ZTVhYwRwb3MDMTAEc2VjA2xuX0Rpc2Vhc2VzX2dhbAR2ZXIDOTUwZTE3ZjAtN2ExYi0xMWUxLTlmZmEtMmIwNjY3MGIwOTg3;_ylv=3