Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Elephant Took 24 Million Generations To Get Huge, Evolution Study Says

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/31/elephant-size-24-million-_n_1243835.htmlHere's an interesting article from Huffington Post, regarding research from Australia's Monash University.  In their study, researchers looked at numerous generations for 28 mammals and the related size change; looking for the "speed limit" of large-scale evolution.  Interesting, it took "24 million generations for the elephant to get so big, but it only takes 100,000 generations to evolve into a significantly smaller size".  Its pretty interesting that there are different speeds for increasing in size as compared to decreasing in size.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Evolution from a different view point

 This link contains a letter that was written to a school board in Kansas about teaching alternative view points on evolution and creationism.  This letter is rather humorous and teaches the belief about Pastafarianism.  Enjoy!


Monday, January 16, 2012

2011's Biggest Scientific Breakthroughs

Hello all! I'd like to share an interesting article with you! It highlights the biggest scientific breakthroughs of 2011. I was particularly interested in the article touting UC Berkley scientists for recreating actual images from brain activity!



- Dr. Palmer